
Eye Gazing pt 2 - Gazing with Intentions (past life regression, healing, divine guidance)

Eye Gazing pt 2 - Gazing with Intentions (past life regression, healing, divine guidance) In this weeks video, Eye Gazing part 2, Seraphim shows us how to use gazing to view past lives, meet our Spirit Guides and receive messages from them, as well as healing our emotional and energetic bodies. Seraphim goes into greater detail to help you incorporate Eye-Gazing into your spiritual practice, and shows us how to use this ancient meditative practice to achieve specific results by setting intentions around the gaze. Eye gazing is a powerful tool during which we are able to use the healing light of our awareness to confront our limiting beliefs and patterns and to help us overcome these. It is a practice that helps us to build connection, but also which can also be specifically directed for a desired purpose.

I hope you'll have fun with this practice and come back to let me know how it goes for you!

Remember to check out part 1 of the Eye Gazing series here:

To learn more about my practice or book an Eye Gaze or Tarot Session with me, visit:

Empowered Empath Facebook Group:



Credit: Empowered Empath Jingle by Arion Roberts


Viewing Past Lives:
"Spirit, Higher Self, and Guides, I seek insight into my past lives, please show me what is in my highest and best good to learn around the past lives I have lived".

Connecting with Higher Self or Spirit Guides:
"Spirit, Higher self, Guides, I seek connection and communication with you. I seek to know myself more deeply and receive the guidance of my universal self. Please commune with me in this gaze."

Healing Emotional and Energetic Bodies:
"Spirit, Higher Self, Guides, I set the intention to be fully and completely present with the aspects of myself I have rejected, the part of myself I feel is not good enough or unlovable, the aspects which I hide. I set the intention to be completely present with my shadow, and my most challenging emotions."

NOTE: If you can identify one or more of your shadow aspects specifically, even better! Initially though, you may not be consciously aware of them, so you can also leave this open for your higher self to show you which aspects you have rejected. Once you have identified your shadow aspects I suggest trying to set intentions around them specifically.

Healing a Shadow Aspect:
"Spirit, Higher Self, Guides, I set the intention to be completely present with the aspect of myself that - lashes out cruelly when I'm angry OR feels unworthy of love OR judges others harshly for superficial things OR makes it impossible for me to really to connect with other people" - this can literally be just about anything, make it your own.

Easing Addictions:
Very often addictive patterns are a result of feeling disconnected and struggling to form meaningful relationships with genuine heart-connections, usually because the addicted person often doesn't feel worthy of those connections. Gazing can be very intense for these situations because it is ALL about connection. It's a practice of being witnessed and actually SEEN on a soul level and this can be intensely emotional if one has felt (and kept themselves) otherwise invisible. Please keep this in mind if using gazing as a tool to work through these challenges.
"Spirit, Higher Self, Guides, I set the intention to better understand why I struggle with alcohol / drugs / gambling / etc and how to stop drinking / smoking / shooting / gambling / etc. excessively"

Healing Self Sabotage:
"Spirit, Higher Self, Guides, I set the intention to be present with the aspects of self that don't feel worthy of happiness, health, success or peace. I set the intention to better understand why I self sabotage and how to stop limiting myself this way"

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